Showing posts with label Logika Informatika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logika Informatika. Show all posts

Friday, 12 October 2012

Logic in Computer Science

The aim of logic in computer science is to develop languages to model the situations we encounter as computer science professionals, in such a way that we can reason about them formally. Reasoning about situations means constructing arguments about them; we want to do this formally, so that the arguments are valid and can be defended rigorously, or executed on a machine.
“It is reasonable to hope that the relationship between computation and mathematical logic will be as fruitful in the next century as that between analysis and physics in the last.”
(J. MacCarthy, 1961)

MICHAEL HUTH &MARK RYAN, LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Modelling and Reasoning about Systems
Thierry Coquand , Nov. 9, 2007


Thursday, 6 October 2011

Logika Informatika


Mata kuliah Logika Informatika merupakan matakuliah yang mempelajari konsep-konsep, metode-metode yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun logika dan membuktikan kebenaran suatu teori atau fakta. Silakan download materi pada link dibawah:
    Tambahan materi setelah UTS:
    1. Pembahasan soal
    2. K-Map  
    Kumpulan Soal UTS:
    1.  Tahun 2011/2012
    Kumpulan Soal UAS:
    1.  Tahun 2011/2012

                                    ***selamat belajar dan semoga sukses***