Tuesday, 23 June 2015


1.      Menurut Ahmed, et.al (2008:1)
Blended Blended e-Learning, on the other hand, merger aspects of blended e-lerning such as: web-based instruction, streaming video, audio, synchronous and ascychronous communication, etc: with tradisional, face-to-face. Sumber referensi: http://pls213065-auliya.blogspot.com/2013/12/blended-learning-dalam-pembelajaran.html?m=1
2.      Menurut Soekartawi (2006:1)
One of newest models is called Blended Blended e-Learning (BEL). The model, BEL, is designed basically based on combination of the bast aspect of application of information technology Blended e-Learning, structured face-to-face activities, and real world practice. Sumber referensi: http://pls213065-auliya.blogspot.com/2013/12/blended-learning-dalam-pembelajaran.html?m=1
3.      Bhonk dan Graham (2006)
a.       Combining instructional modalities or delivery media and technologies (traditional distance education, internet, web, CD ROM, video/audio, any other electronic medium, email, online book etc.)
b.      Combining instruction methods, learning theories and pedagogical dimensions
c.       Combining blended e-learning and face-to-face learning.
4.      Koohang (2009)
Blended learning is defined as a mix of traditional face-to-face instruction and e-learning. Sumber reference: Shttp://www.newtrafficserver.com/wp-content/plugins/nts/adserver/campaign.php? New South Wales Departement of
5.      Educatuion and Training (2002)
Blended learning is learning which combines online and face-to-face approaches. Sumber reference: Shttp://www.newtrafficserver.com/wp-content/plugins/nts/adserver/campaign.php? New South Wales Departement of

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