Tuesday, 23 June 2015


1.       Menurut Ahmed, et.al (2008:1) Blended Learning yaitu  Blended Blended e-Learning, on the other hand, merges aspects of blended e-lerning  such as: web-based instruction, streaming video, audio, synchronous and asychronous communication, etc: with tradisional, face-to-face”learning.
2.       Menurut Harding, Kaczynski dan Wood, 2005, Blended learning  merupakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan pembelajaran tradisonal tatap muka dan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang menggunakan sumber belajar online dan beragam pilihan komunikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa.
3.       Menurut Thorne (2003) Blended learning  adalah perpaduan dari teknologi multimedia, CD ROM video streaming, kelas virtual, voicemail, e mail dan teleconference, animasi teks online dan video streaming. Dalam blended learning, semua itu dikombinasikan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
4.       Menurut Bersin (2004) Blended learning  merupakan kombinasi berbagai media pembelajaran yang berbeda agar agar tercipta program pembelajaran yang optimum. Seperti teknologi, aktifitas dan berbagai  jenis peristiwa.
5.       Menurut Valiathan, Purnima (2002) Blended learning  is used to describe a solution that combines several different delivery methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based courses,EPSS (electronic performance  support systems), and knowledge management .
6.       Rooney, (2003) Blended learning  is a hybrid learning concept integrating traditional inclass sessions and e-Learning elements
7.       Whitelock & Jelfs (2003),memberikan tiga pengertian untuk blended learning, yaitu :
1)      The integrated combination of traditional learning with web-based online approaches (drawingon the work of Harrison);
2)      The combination of media and tools employed in an e-Learning environment
3)      The combination of a number of pedagogic approaches, irrespective of learning  technology use (drawing on the work of Driscoll).
8.       Martin Oliver dan Keith Trigwell dalam jurnal e-Learning, Volume 2, Number 1 tahun 2005, mendefinisikan blended learning :
1)      Combining or mixing web-based technology to accomplish an educational goal;
2)      Combining pedagogical approaches (‘e.g. constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism’) to produce an optimal learning outcome with or without instructional technology;
3)      Combining any form of instructional technology with face-to-face instructor-led training; and
4)      Combining instructional technology with actual job tasks

Gracelia Adelaida Bere_12030029
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